TransPacks wins "Best Performing Startup Award 2017" from IESA

Counterfeiting is a serious threat to health, life & business in life-critical sectors such as pharmaceuticals, personal care, automobile sector, and agro-products. Companies lose brand value, sales and enterprise value due to counterfeiting. TransPacks have developed world’s first copy-proof anti-counterfeiting technology which directly empowers end consumers to verify the authenticity of the product with a 4MP or higher resolution mobile camera, without requiring network connection on any kind. Additionally, brands get to interact with their real customers through our platform. Brands will have access and own real customer data and can plan products, promotions, and marketing strategy accordingly.

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Vision and Objectives

Vision: Conduct research and development in large area flexible electronics that serves as a foundation for development of domestic industry in this field.

Objective: Conduct research and development in large area flexible electronics by developing partnership with industry and with a view that potentially leads to manufacturing.

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