Workshop on High Energy Physics Phenomenology
4th -13th December, 2015 Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India

The Workshop in High Energy Physics Phenomenology (WHEPP) is a series of international workshops on Particle Physics, with the main focus being on particle physics phenomenology and its relation to both formal theory and experiment. They are held in every alternate years and constitute the most important international event in particle physics phenomenology which is held regularly in India. The activities of this workshop cover almost entire area of particle physics dividing into various working groups according to topics. This year it will be held at IIT Kanpur.
The activities of this workshop are rich and complex. It affects the participants and leads to many interesting collaborations which can yield important results.
This year we expect to organize this workshop in IIT Kanpur and hope to focus on current issues in high energy physics. We encourage participants to have very intense discussion and start collaboration. We intend to have some formal talks in the workshop and the rest of the time will be dedicated for parallel session discussion.
Because of its high impact on the high energy physics community mostly all of the high energy physics researchers apply for WHEPP participation but due to
many logistics problems, it becomes impossible to accommodate all the applicants. Participation is limited and by invitation only.