QIP Short Term Course "Supercritical Technology for Power Generation in India"
22nd January- 26th January 2018
About the Course
Super Critical Coal Power Plants are relatively newer for India. First Unit in India was commissioned only six years back and the installation of Super Critical Coal Power Plants gained actual momentum in last 3-4 years only. However all most all of the future coal plants are now proposed based on Super Critical Technology only. A huge capacity addition by Super Critical Coal Power Plants is proposed in near future. There is a shortage of erection & commissioning experts, operation & maintenance engineers, indigenous manufacturing facilities and Research & Development facilities for these power plants in India. More over a huge quantum of work potential will be required in near future for efficient running of these plants.
This course aims to train / working engineers / academicians / researchers in the field of erection & commissioning, operation & maintenance of these plants and provide them insight into of development, technology, theory of operation and on going R&D of these plants. It will be helpful to build a work force, required for Indian Super Critical Coal Plants in near future. The course is designed such that the participants get a good exposure to both basic principles and their applications and gain a footing for further study in this area.
Course Contents
Introduction to cycle of operation, parameters and performance of Critical Power Plants, Elements of critical & Super Critical (SC) Plants, Design & Technologies for SC Plants, Global Scenario of operation of Super Critical Plants. Global scenario for development, installation & operation of Ultra Super Critical [USC] Power Plants. Future Advancement in the field of Advanced Ultra Super Critical [AUSC] Plants. Environmental issues pertaining to installation of SC Plants, in Indian scenario, Issues and Challenges in Erection & Commissioning of SC Plants. Equipments, Auxiliaries and various subsystems like Coal Handling Plant, Water Treatment Plant, Ash Handling & Disposal etc. for SC Plants.
The sponsored teachers from engineering colleges/institutions recognized by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) are exempted from the fee. However, they need to send a refundable deposit of Rs. 1000/- by DD in favor of the CEP, IIT, Kanpur and a certificate from the head of the institution. The selected teachers are eligible for to and fro ACIII tier railway fare by the shortest route and DA as per AICTE’s QIP norms.
Accommodation will be provided at nominal rates in Visitors’ Hostel at IIT Kanpur. Participants who successfully complete the course will be awarded a certificate.
The completed registration form and demand draft must be received on or before 10th October, 2017
For Registration click here |
Dr. D. P. Mishra
Department of Aerospace Engineering
IIT, Kanpur-208 016
Phone: 0512-2597125
Fax: 0512-2597561
Email: dpmishraiitk@gmail.com