X-Ray Diffraction Lab



Bruker XRD
Model/Supplier:D8 Focus
Location: Physical Metallurgy Lab, Western Labs

Department of Materials Science Engineering houses Bruker D8 Focus with two circle goniometer. The machine is equipped with 0-D detector as well as 1-D detector. 0-D scintillator detector provides high angular resolution, while the 1-D detector provides high quality data at a much faster rate. The diffractometer can be used for powder diffraction, phase analysis, residual stress analysis and also for small angle x-ray scattering. The XRD facility is also equipped with analysis software like Diffrac-Suite, JADE, Match, Pearson Crystal Database and ICDD database.

Updates about the XRD Instrument

XRD diffractometer (at Physical Metallurgy Lab) is now repaired and is working again. The new TAs will be getting training until next Tuesday (Jan 13th), so regular users can book slots from Jan 14th onwards, using the online booking system (http://www.iitk.ac.in/mse/XRD/). Also note that:
1. We have now procured Vanadium filter which can be used with Chromium target for 1-D detector. So now, both Copper target and Chromium target can be used with 1-D detector and we need not use 0-D detector at all.
2. XRD analysis software 'Jade' is available in the department. If you need to use it, send me an email regarding installation procedure
3. Another analysis software 'Match' is also available in the department, along with the PDF2 database.
4. Chromium target will be available for first week of every month (1st Monday to Friday of the week, eg. Feb 2nd to 6th// March 2nd to March 6th;; April 6th to 10th and so on). Copper target will be available for all other days of the month.

User Charges




Nil (facility supported by Dept funding)


Rs. 500 per slot (depending on the scan-rate, 3 to 10 samples can be run in one slot)

Institute Projects

Rs. 1000 per slot


Rs. 3000 per slot

The facility is open for regular use between 9:30am to 5:30pm from Monday through Friday, except holidays and during maintenance.User can resereve any of the following slots:
9:30 - 11:30
11:30 - 1:30
1:30 - 3:30
3:30 - 5:30

In case of any query please contact

Dr. Shiva Kant ( skant@iitk.ac.inThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
(Ph: 7978)

Information regarding facility

Please understand that XRD is an important facility run by research students and faculty members. Please book slots responsibly. Make bookings only if you are sure to use them.

Chromium target will be available for first week of every month (1st Monday to Friday of the week, eg. Feb 2nd to 6th// March 2nd to March 6th;; April 6th to 10th and so on). Copper target will be available for all other days of the month.

How to book slots

XRD slots can only be booked online in three steps.

Click the link "Request Slots" and fill in the details as requested. You can select an empty slot upto 1 month in advance and only for week days. You can check the availability of slots using the module "Check Slot" or you can check "Booking status" to see all the slots which have already been taken.

Once you submit the request, an invoice will be generated. Please submit this invoice to Dr. Shiva Kant (7978) or Mr. Manohar Oraon (7933) within 36 hours. If you do not submit within this time lime, your slot will get automatically cancelled and will be open for booking again.

Lab-in-charge will then accept your booking and you can check your status at "Booking status".

Please note that we will soon make this procedure paperless, but until then you will have to submit the paper invoice.

Note for MSE-PG students: MSE-PG students dont need to submit the invoice. Once you fill in all the details correctly, your requests will be automatically accpeted. If your request is pending for more than a day, then contact lab-in-charge.

TAs for XRD


Morning Hours (9.30am to 1.30pm)

Afternoon Hours (1.30pm to 5.30pm)


Rahul (07754916224)

Sumeet (09621931122)


Sumeet (09621931122)

Rahul (07754916224)


Anshul Gupta (07523830157)

Biswajit (09198092189)


Biswajit (09198092189)

Abhimanyu (09496128536)


Anshul Gupta (07523830157)

Abhimanyu (09496128536)

Contact Hours

Contact Hours: 10.00am to 11.00am and 5.00pm to 5.30pm

Lab-in-charge (XRD):
Dr. Shiva Kant
Ph: 7978
email: skant@iitk.ac.inThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Lab-in-charge (Physical Metallurgy):
Mr. Manohar Oraon
Ph: 7933
email: moraon@iitk.ac.inThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.