The symposium is aimed at getting together a group of active scientists in the area of condensed matter physics and material science from India and Singapore to facilitate scientific communication and brain storming as well as foster collaborations. This symposium is targeted to Indian researchers working in the relevant area to assess the proper directions with respect to their strengths and expertise. It'll allow us to showcase the advances being made in different areas and to get feedback from the peers. The symposium will be held during 25-27 Feb 2015 in the Outreach Auditorium of IIT Kanpur.
Leading experts from different active areas (15 from Singapore and 25 from India) will be invited to deliver talks in the symposium. About 40 Ph.D. students from active research groups in India will also be invited to participate and present their research work as posters.

Kindly note that registration will be done on 24th February 2015 at 04:00 to 06:00 pm at (FB-421 MSE seminar room)

Single Poster size (4 feet width x 4.5 feet long)