English Proficiency Programme
IIT Kanpur
General information
- Theme of the Programme (Posted in February 2014)
Contribute: If you want to donate (please do) to this programme, then make your donation electronically through the direct donation link
OR, enclose your cheque in favour of "IIT Kanpur Endowment Fund" with your letter mentioning the "purpose of donation" as "English Proficiency Programme", and send by post to
Prof Bhaskar Dasgupta, Dept of Mech. Engg., IIT Kanpur - 208016. (India)- Outline of English Proficiency Programme: as presented on 9th May 2014
Events just concluded
Advanced English Proficiency Test (AdEPT)
- Date: 29 June 2018
- Venue: Lecture Hall Complex, IIT Kanpur
- Timing: 10 AM
Test of English as a Functional Language (ToEFL)
- Date: 04 Aug 2018
- Venue: Lecture Hall Complex, IIT Kanpur
- Timing: 10 AM
One-month course PELT for college teachers: 1-30 June 2018
Past events
5-month Course PELT (Aug-Dec 2017)
3-month Course PELT (May-Jul 2017)
4-month Course PELT (Jan-Apr 2017)
5-month Course PELT (Aug-Dec 2016)
One-Year Course
Practical English: Learning and Teaching 2015-16Test of English as a Functional Language 2016 - 2017.
English Proficiency Workshop
07 Nov, 2015 and 08 Nov, 2015.
Timings : 10:30 Hours to 18:00 Hours
Venue : Lecture Hall Complex, IIT Kanpur.
ToEFL 2015
08 Nov, 2015
Timings : 10:00 AM
Venue : Lecture Hall Complex, IIT Kanpur.
- Online complete course: Modules 1, 2, 3 and 4 (Jul-Sep 2015).
Complete course material available on the net.
- Modules I and II Combined: 18-30 May, 2015; 10:15-12:45 and 15:15-17:45
- Test of English as a Functional Language: Sat, 11 April 2015, 11:00 a.m. onwards, at L10/L12 at IIT Kanpur.
- Modules I and II Combined: 3 Jan to 12 Apr, 2015
- EPP Module Zero: Mon-Fri, 3-5 p.m.; 10 March to 9 April, 2015.
- Module 1 (15-31 May 2014)
- English Proficiency Workshop (9-10 May 2014)
- Programme coordinator's presentation:
English Proficiency Programme: An Outline
- Programme coordinator's presentation:
- Module 1 (7-25 April 2014)
- Module 1 (10-28 March 2014)
- Bhaskar Dasgupta