
Work in the industrially important
and scientifically vibrant area of membrane
Research interests and important
contributions cover the entire gamut of the
cutting-edge in membranes, including nano- and
ultrafiltration, pervaporation; industrial and
municipal waste treatment, pulping, environmental
pollution control and novel membrane materials and
their characterization.
Pioneered much of the fundamental
research and development work in membrane
separations in this country and have established
unique experimental facilities at IIT Kanpur.
At the same time, maintained a
balanced basic scientific work with equally
tremendous impact in the applied aspects of
industrial impact.
Among path breaking contributions
are: development of generalized models and
techniques to predict membrane performance,
quantification of membrane-pore interactions,
influence of nano-pores in pervaporation, positron
annihilation studies of dense membranes, dehydration
of hydrazine hydrate for rocket fuel applications,
chromium removal from tannery effluents, etc.
Membrane-based black liquor treatment
and the raw sugarcane juice clarification and
concentration may prove to be new solutions to the
energy problems of industries.
Membrane-based degassing of liquids
through membrane contactor may now find newer
applications in a country like India
