Understanding the Challenges of Inverter-Based Resources Through Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation

IIT Kanpur

21-22 October 2024



The Government of India has set a target to establish 500 GW of non-fossil generation capacity by 2030 and achieve net zero emissions by 2070. As renewable energy (RE) generation increases, maintaining grid reliability poses several challenges. The increase in RE generation has led to more frequent grid disturbances in areas with high renewable penetration, such as the Rajasthan RE complex, which has faced multiple incidents of oscillation and generation loss. Reports from Grid India attribute some of these grid disturbances to issues such as improper controller tuning, incorrect ride-through settings of Inverter Based Resources, inadequate line protection settings, delays in power plant controllers, and stability challenges associated with high levels of inverter-based generation. To further investigate these challenges and explore potential solutions, we are hosting a two-day workshop titled Understanding the Challenges of Inverter-Based Resources Through Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation on October 21st and 22nd, 2024, at IIT Kanpur.

The workshop will focus on:

  • Stability Challenges in Inverter-Penetrated Grids.
  • Testing process of RE Power Plant Controllers and Inverters.
  • Key Considerations for Power Plant Controller and Ride-Through settings to improve grid stability
  • Modelling of Inverter-Based Resources and Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation of Power Plant Controller.
  • Protection Challenges in Inverter-Penetrated Grid and Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation of Relay.

Real-Time Digital Simulators are used worldwide to test Power Plant Controllers, Inverters and Relays before their deployment in the field. In this workshop, participants will gain hands-on experience with Real-Time Digital Simulator and will also benefit from detailed demonstrations of relay testing using RTDS and HIL simulation of Solar Power Plant Controllers. To ensure hands-on experience, participation will be limited to 18-20 attendees.

Course Co-ordinator

Prof. Ebin Cherian Mathew

Prof. Ebin Cherian Mathew

Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Tel(Off): +91 512-679-2498
Homepage: https://home.iitk.ac.in/~ebincm/

Course Speakers

Prof. Vijay Vittal

Prof. Vijay Vittal

Arizona State University, US

Dr. Swakshar Ray

Dr. Swakshar Ray

Armax Automation Private Limited



(Including Acommodation)

Rs. 21240 (Rs. 18000 + 18% GST)

Step 1: Pay the Fees through SBI Collect
Step 2: Fill up the Google Form

Course Details

Course Code 68
Course Title Challenges of Inverter-Based Resources
Course Duration 21.10.2024 to 22.10.2024